Aggressive Criminal Defense in Massachusetts District and Superior Courts.

Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorney Michael P. Stapleton

Who better to understand your rights, than a former veteran prosecutor?

The Law Office of Michael P. Stapleton is a criminal defense firm that handles all types of criminal charges and offenses. Attorney Michael Stapleton has years of experience in the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office, prosecuting crimes in Massachusetts, and has been in private practice since 2005.  His education and years of experience as management consultant and engineer in addition to the practice of law give him a broad and deep background in the collection and analysis of facts, the knowledge of Massachusetts and federal laws and regulations, an understanding of how to work effectively with people, and the willingness to aggressively protect and pursue the rights of his clients.

If you have been charged with a crime under Massachusetts law, the Law Office of Michael P. Stapleton will handle your case with speed, confidentiality and sensitivity.

All initial case consultations are provided free of charge.

Domestic Violence

stop violence and abuse

Drug Crimes

drug arrest

Drunk Driving O.U.I

drunk driving

Traffic Violations

texting while driving

Weapons Crimes

hand gun with bullets

White Collar Crimes

white collar crime

If you’re facing criminal charges of any type, call The Law Office of Michael P. Stapleton (781) 603-6436.